Monday, September 10, 2007

Safe n' Sound

we don't have any pictures uploaded yet, but we're here at our new home and with all of our junk. Just wanted everyone to know. the reason we haven't made any calls yet is because 2 miles before our destination the ford took a crap and we've been running around since then. We merged from I-90 to I-5, put it in first and started to roll backwards with a clunking sound accompanying.

our drive train broke and then some. so we stuck around got it towed to the nearest mechanic and everything we've had to move/get has taken us twice as long b/c we've needed to find the vehicles.

but over all things are going well and working out for us. Thanks for all of your support.

p.s. also we were counting on a telephone being around when we got here. but everyone has cell phones and canceled the lan-line so thats something else we'll have to work on.

also, if you have trouble leaving comments make sure your checking "anonymous" as an anonymous poster.

~thanks Travis


Anonymous said...

glad to hear you made it safely. my prayers were with you like everyone else love uncle brent.

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about the truck.glad you made it to seattle ok.if you need help with anything call me ok? Love Dad.

FennellFanClub said...

Yeah, we're glad you made it to Seattle. We miss but glad to see that you guys enjoyed your road trip. Give me a call Danielle. I'd love to tell you about my weekend at the retreat.

Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed reading your blog. Sounds like you have had a wonderful and memorable adventure.
Enjoy Seattle! Love, your dad's cousin Kristi

Anonymous said...

Whew. I was getting a little nervous there. Hope you're having an amazing time. Love you guys!

Love, Lauren

Anonymous said...

Hope the repairs weren't too costly. Love the pictures. Glad your their safe. Lots of love, uncle Bart

Anonymous said...

Hey! Where's our postcards.

Anonymous said... are you going to contact me and let me know the good news if you can't remember how to spell it?

Anonymous said...

hi, guys. wow, how did i totally forget about your blog??! even robin has checked it before i did! no way.

anyways. beta is not good.

oh, and i see you got yourself one more haircut before you leave, eh, travis? looks great.

Anonymous said...

I found Danielle's rain coat and boots, would you like me to send them out there?!?
I hope that you haven't developed webbed feet yet!


Liz said...

praise the lord you're safe. :) can't wait to hear from you guys!

Shea said...

Hey guys, it looks like your trip was a ton of fun. Sorry about the truck. My van broke down again too, that stupid lemon. Anyway, I can't wait to hear from you. Keep updating this on what you are doing there, jobs, etc. Love you guys.
