Thursday, September 20, 2007

more to come

We are in the works of installing a phone line for the house. So hopefully you'll be hearing from us soon. Danielle has an interview tomorrow afternoon at "The Crumpet Shop". It's a unique tea house that bakes and sells crumpets in Pike Place. It sounds like something she would really enjoy so hopefully she'll find a position there. I have really havn't started my job search b/c of the things we're trying to take care of at the house and also b/c the employment agency had me in the process for a job the Thursday we got into town. After a phone interview I was told the schedule would be working Tuesday and Thursday 4pm-2am and then on Saturday and Sunday from 8am-6pm. I declined it the morning after. It's a little difficult to sleep during the day with 8 other people living here, and it would also be hard to get involved in anything with me working every weekend. So I'll probably get started on the job search some time soon.

Just to spice up this post heres a video of us when we got into town:

Here are some up close pictures of what happened under the truck:

I'm not familiar with whats back there but the tower pretty much labeled it as "Screwed up". Rear-bearings froze up and the drive shaft tore through itself. Something to that effect. But it got us to Seattle, so it did it's job.

One more thing, it's rained twice since we've been here and the rest of the days have been sunny and clear. The temperature has been around 50-60, it's been a nice change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh. uh... disregard my questions about job search in my email.

guess i'll have to wait 'til i get home to watch the vid, since DAVE WON'T ALLOW STREAMING AT WORK!!! arrgh. i tried to talk him into letting only *me* do streaming, but he wouldn't go for it, for some reason. something about fairness and equality, and that kind of crap. whatever.

oh well. glad things are going ok, except for the truck. at least it makes for good stories to tell your other people you tell stories to.