Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and now...


Yes kids we are already in South Dakota...mitchell to be exact, home to the corn palace.

As our title explains we have already been through 4 states. We have waited in the great Chicago traffic, munched on some lovely squeaky cheese (cheese curds), and ...well we didn't do much in Minnesota. Now we are in South Dakota and loving it. Here are some pictures of our travels.

Wisconsin cheese house

Welcome to minnesota

Had a little trouble coming into Minnesota, this is a picture of our fuel filter. We thought we had run out of gas, but really, so much crud and rust was caught in the screen of our filter that gas would no longer get through. Yeah, you used to be able to see through it. We had to stop in a small town and luckily a car lot / mechanic / town mayer (jk) had an extra one we could buy. I replaced it and we went on our way.

Tomorrow we plan on seeing the corn palace, a ghost town, and the badlands. We are all very excited. Thanks again everyone for your support and prayers. We are very blessed to have such great friends and family.


Anonymous said...

hey kids glad your doing great and having fun.we got a kick out of the fuel filter made in tawian ha ha ha ha.let me know how your doing on gas mileage.don't forget to bring some salt and butter for the corn palace ha ha. will be looking forward to hearing about your next stop. love dad and uncle brent

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, missing you very much already but surviving. Looks like you are doing great. I carry the picture in my purse, so I can peek at my 2 traveling kids frequently. Have fun and enjoy every minute of your trip. Be safe n don't let the Corn Palace methane consume Mr. Spangle...cough, cough.

Luv y'all bunches

Yukinka said...

m-a-y-o-r, that's how its spelled.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I gave you this link

Anonymous said...

glad you guys are making it ok, looks like you're having fun. i miss you two,

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys it's me your cousin Cheryl. Well it sounds like ya'll are having the time of your life as it should be. Enjoy every moment and when your our age that we are now you can look back at all the wonderful and precious memories that you two shared! I saw your Dad a couple of weeks ago and he told me about ya'lls trip! We love you both! God Bless
Always, Cheryl