Thursday, October 11, 2007

Job Updates

Can't remember who knows what about our jobs but we have em!

Danielle has been working at Star Bucks for a week and a half now. There are a lot of good things about it. It's only 3 blocks away so she can walk, we get 30% in store merchandise, drinks, and a free pound of coffee per week. awesome. She'll be working around 32 hours a week, and this will give her time to find more of a career oriented position instead of taking the first thing that comes along to her.

This week I just started working for a place called C a s e y family programs. We do programs and support for foster families and foster kids. It is a really good work environment and every one is very friendly. I'm doing a combined job, where I do applications support and development. Meaning... if you can't accomplish a task within a computer program you would email me your question and then I answer it. It also means if there's a problem with the software, web page, etc. Then I would fix that as well. Currently I'm training which doesn't mean much, so I don't have a lot to say about it. But I do have a lot to say about my cubical which is set up against a window. It looks out onto the Puget Sound (boats, bi-planes), and on clear days I can see the mountains. This is definitely a step up from working in a pole barn and being surrounded by pastel colors.

So thats the update, I've been watching Seattle temps compared to Winona Lake/Warsaw. While it wasn't 80 degrees here monday, it's been generally warmer here than home. so ha ha.



Anonymous said...

no need for such bitterness. pity, maybe, but bitternes, no.

Anonymous said...

^ugh. bitternesS. i get thrown off with spelling and grammar stuff after reading your posts. :-P

Anonymous said...

computers spell for me

Anonymous said...

Hey guys..glad you made it safely. Finally got a chance to check out the website. Love the pictures. Hope all is well. It's been a little cold and rainy today. Jordan finished football on Friday. He had a good season...the team, not so well. Think of you often. I'll check in soon. Love, Shelly

Anonymous said...

your computer's doing you a disservice, i think. that's why you still need me for a stalker. i could spell for you, and then it would be correct. ;-)

Anonymous said...

just wait till this week travii, danielle will be swimming to starbucks!
Miss you guys,

Sha-Rants said...

So great to hear from you two! Seattle is a great city with plenty of adventures. We know a great couple there (going to the MARS graduate school) who we were doing house church with here in denver if you'd like to hook up w/ some cool ppl. Keep pressin' on, showing the love!
Love, Sha & Brian

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you two are doing well...mountains, boats, bi-planes, thats a lot better than my view...that kind of stuff could make a bad job good.


Anonymous said...

hey sorry I hav'nt posted anything lately travis your right Its getting colder in indiana.I'am glad you two found jobs been busy winterizing the house.helping your dad and he helps me.I'am glad all is well. love uncle brent

Anonymous said...

Hey you two, Sounds like all is going well! Lately I haven't had much access to a computer to check on you guys. Missn you and thinkn bout you everyday. Your pictures are great, keep postn them so we can keep seeing you. The holidays are so close and that makes me think of you more and more,:-( Give me a call when you can, miss hearing your voices. Take care n lots of LOVE!!! Your Mother, A.K.A Travis's Mother in law.

Anonymous said...

UPDATE YOUR BLOG. And did you go to a modest concert?

Anonymous said...

and speaking of puget sound.. go to and download there album for free, they are awesome and they have a song about puget sound.
love kyle

Anonymous said...

Hey Travis.. I just got around to checking out your blog. Your dad gave me the link to it last month. Great pics! I'm dying to know what year your Ford truck is. Welcome to the West! Love uncle Rick (from AZ).

Anonymous said...

Uncle Rick! hey the truck was an f250 1982, Windsor 351. We had a lot against us when the drive shaft let go. Mainly no place to keep it, so we had to junk it.

Janelle Armstrong said...

I heard you guys were at CCC this past week. So sorry we missed you! Kiersten James shared your blog site with us. We have been wondering how you've been doing so we are so excited to see some pics and know that you are doing well. You definitely need to update this blog, though! Miss you guys!