Monday, September 24, 2007

Hey guys, this is Danielle...I personally haven't posted in a while and wanted to let you know that I am doing well and LOVING it here. I love the city and all the people we live with. I have had a lot of interviews so it's nice because I have a lot of options on where I want to work. I had an interview at barnes and noble today...that is really where I think I want to work. They said that they will call in 5 to 7 days to let us know (it was a group interview). I have two interviews tomorrow. One at starbucks and one at the university of Washington (for a temp job). Oh yeah, Travis might just have another interview coming up soon if we decide to go forward with's for a 3 month contract job, we will let you know what we decide.

Also if you guys could be praying for me...I have had some pretty bad neck pain off and on for a while now. I actually made and appointment w/ a chiropractor today, hopefully that will help. I just really want to start a new job healthy and pain free :)

Well, we miss you guys a lot thanks for all your support and prayers! Also hopefully we will have a phone soon.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

more to come

We are in the works of installing a phone line for the house. So hopefully you'll be hearing from us soon. Danielle has an interview tomorrow afternoon at "The Crumpet Shop". It's a unique tea house that bakes and sells crumpets in Pike Place. It sounds like something she would really enjoy so hopefully she'll find a position there. I have really havn't started my job search b/c of the things we're trying to take care of at the house and also b/c the employment agency had me in the process for a job the Thursday we got into town. After a phone interview I was told the schedule would be working Tuesday and Thursday 4pm-2am and then on Saturday and Sunday from 8am-6pm. I declined it the morning after. It's a little difficult to sleep during the day with 8 other people living here, and it would also be hard to get involved in anything with me working every weekend. So I'll probably get started on the job search some time soon.

Just to spice up this post heres a video of us when we got into town:

Here are some up close pictures of what happened under the truck:

I'm not familiar with whats back there but the tower pretty much labeled it as "Screwed up". Rear-bearings froze up and the drive shaft tore through itself. Something to that effect. But it got us to Seattle, so it did it's job.

One more thing, it's rained twice since we've been here and the rest of the days have been sunny and clear. The temperature has been around 50-60, it's been a nice change.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Safe n' Sound

we don't have any pictures uploaded yet, but we're here at our new home and with all of our junk. Just wanted everyone to know. the reason we haven't made any calls yet is because 2 miles before our destination the ford took a crap and we've been running around since then. We merged from I-90 to I-5, put it in first and started to roll backwards with a clunking sound accompanying.

our drive train broke and then some. so we stuck around got it towed to the nearest mechanic and everything we've had to move/get has taken us twice as long b/c we've needed to find the vehicles.

but over all things are going well and working out for us. Thanks for all of your support.

p.s. also we were counting on a telephone being around when we got here. but everyone has cell phones and canceled the lan-line so thats something else we'll have to work on.

also, if you have trouble leaving comments make sure your checking "anonymous" as an anonymous poster.

~thanks Travis

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Day 3: Trucks still kick'n

Found another hotel with internet so we're able to post again (this is travis). I'm just going to post a lot of pictures of today and leave comments:

Our first stop was just a few blocks from the hotel, the worlds only Corn Palace in Mitchell SD (there have been debates on it's location).

corn palace display

Corn Palace Child Abuse

Last time I was at the CP, it was a dirty flea market. The girls had seen it before and were excited to see it again. We were in for a big surprise :

A basket ball court full of senior citizens playing shuffle board. Woo Hoo, many sad and disappointed faces during that hour.

This is us at the Bad Lands, the pictures don't to it justice.

Finally we made it to Wall Drug

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and now...


Yes kids we are already in South Dakota...mitchell to be exact, home to the corn palace.

As our title explains we have already been through 4 states. We have waited in the great Chicago traffic, munched on some lovely squeaky cheese (cheese curds), and ...well we didn't do much in Minnesota. Now we are in South Dakota and loving it. Here are some pictures of our travels.

Wisconsin cheese house

Welcome to minnesota

Had a little trouble coming into Minnesota, this is a picture of our fuel filter. We thought we had run out of gas, but really, so much crud and rust was caught in the screen of our filter that gas would no longer get through. Yeah, you used to be able to see through it. We had to stop in a small town and luckily a car lot / mechanic / town mayer (jk) had an extra one we could buy. I replaced it and we went on our way.

Tomorrow we plan on seeing the corn palace, a ghost town, and the badlands. We are all very excited. Thanks again everyone for your support and prayers. We are very blessed to have such great friends and family.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Tomorrow Morning

We will be leaving for Seattle tomorrow morning! The long awaited date has arrived. We are excited and bit melancholy because we are leaving so many people love, but we both know it is going to be a great adventure for us. Please be praying for us, as we will be driving and lot in an old truck. We will miss you all so much! Until our next update...