Sunday, June 8, 2008

More Pictures

Moby is getting big, here are some pictures of our bunny.

Me and Moby

So cute.

Travis and Moby

sleepy bunny

Also the Rhododendron is Washington's state flower and we have a huge one in our front yard. These are pictures of when it bloomed...lovely


Anonymous said...

wow, Moby is huuuge!

what's your current email address? i tried writing to a gmail one, but about 24 hours have passed, and no response!! heh.

anyway, glad things are going so well out there. thanks for posting all the pictures.

Anonymous said...

no heather, thank you for commenting.

Anonymous said...

i'm tempted to say, "you're such a dork", but i know that your family reads this, and i don't want to get them mad at me. :P