Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's been so long

Sorry we haven't updated this thing in months but we are back in action.

Over the past few months we have had...Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and we have also taken a trip to good ol' Indiana. Then we took another cross country road trip back to Seattle with our good friend Kayla.

Here are some pictures from all those events.

This is our beautiful fireplace, so nice during the rainy days

This is Thanksgiving at our house mate's house...woo hoo for Monopoly.

Amanda and her big money monopoly skills.

Group picture on the Shelton (small town outside of Seattle) train.

The boys trying to catch the train...

We made our own stockings this year out of wool sweaters...this one is mine full of goodies!

Here is Travis' stocking and our gifts under our tree (a rosemary tree from trader Joe's)

Christmas morning! We were trying to get moby (our bunny) in the picture all morning then she finally got in one, by accident.

My Tea Pot! woo hoo

The mountains were very pretty on our drive back to Seattle...but we didn't take as many as we should have.

Kayla helped us drive out, it made the trip so much nicer!

Pretty mountains again.

Sleepy Travis in the back seat.
More Mountains.

Now...I figure you are all wondering what we do out here with our free time.

well we drink tea.

Eat cupcakes, the one Travis is eating is a candied yam cupcake with marshmallow cream frosting...yum

This is a Chai cupcake it was great.

we can see Mt. Rainer a couple blocks from our house.

We drink more tea...(this is bubble tea) it's our favorite. Notice the giant straw with bubble going up it.

We go to Coffee and Comics, to drink buy there coffee and read their comics for free!!

And we go to the beautiful downtown library, it is completely made of glass.

Well we hope you have enjoyed catching up on our lives...we miss you all!